Daily Routine
Barnsley Bunny Boarding offer a personalised service based around the individual needs of your pet; and while we adhere to a daily routine within the Rabbitry, we offer flexibility in our approach when catering for all our guest’s daily needs; for example different feeding times, syringe feeding, probiotic and vitamin supplements etc.
Please ensure you let us know at time of booking any special needs your pet may require when staying with us.
At around 7 o’clock each morning, we open the Rabbitry door and say “Good Morning” as a wakeup call to all our boarders.
The radio is turned on to BBC Radio 2 and the windows opened giving boarders time to wake up and start their new day. We also take this time to check each individual guest ensuring all boarders are awake, happy and well.
Breakfast is served between 9.30am and 10.30am and consists of a morning portion of dried food and premium hay and Excel Forage.
Housekeeping is provided each morning after breakfast ensuring your pet’s soiled areas are removed, and the hutch and litter trays are sanitised and replaced with fresh clean wood shavings or wood based cat litter.
Bedding from the previous day is removed and any soiled areas are cleaned and bunny beds are refilled with a fresh supply of hay.
Any uneaten vegetables are discarded and feeding bowls cleaned if required.
The evening meal consists of your pet's dry mix usually served between 7.30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. along with any vegetables and hay.
Bottles and bowls of water are also checked and replenished at this time.