Hello, I'm Rachel and I established Barnsley Bunny Boarding as a business, in 2010 after graduating with an Honours degree in Medieval History.
My husband, Richard, and I have been married for over twenty-five years and we have over 40 year’s hands-on experience in rabbit rescue, care and husbandry including managing a large rabbitry.
We have always shared our lives with an assortment of found, rescued and adopted animals, and currently share our home with Ruby our 11-year old rescue Alsatian Cross , Floki a four year old Cross Pug, Minstrel our Chocolate Rex, a blue-eyed white Netherland Dwarf Cathy, Tina an English, and two mixed breed rabbits Joseph and Peaches.

I take care of the full-time day-to-day running of the business including Housekeeping, Grooming, Nail Clipping and the administrative side.
Our business is an ongoing labour of love, and we consciously strive to improve our facilities to offer our customers and guests a five star professional service.

Supreme Champion Tom of Waggledance
We have also responsibly bred and shown quality British and Continental Giants, Beverens and Netherland Dwarfs; specialising in blue eyed whites.
Throughout our showing career, as "Waggledance Stud" we exhibited nationally and won numerous awards for Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best Fancy and Best Fur.
We attained the Supreme Champion award for our Blue Eyed White Netherland Dwarf Buck "Tom Senior."
We now devote our skills to offering a professional rabbit boarding service.