Bridey our Baby French Lop

When making a booking we always welcome visits to our Rabbitry to introduce ourselves and to offer an insight into how we operate as a small, friendly, professional, family business. This gives you the chance to air any concerns and the opportunity for us to answer any questions you may have concerning boarding your rabbit or guinea pig for the first time.

We are here to help you in any way we can and to offer a personalised service based around the individual needs of your pet. More importantly we want you to have peace of mind and to assure you that your treasured pet will be cared for as much as we care for our own bunnies and guinea pigs. Visiting the Rabbitry is also a good time to let us know about your pet’s personality and needs; their likes and dislikes, special dietary requirements, allergies, and feeding times. No need to worry if you forget to tell us something we will fill out a booking form asking these questions.
Should you forget to inform us of anything concerning your pet we’re only a phone call away. After completing the booking form, and paying your deposit we will send you confirmation of your booking by post to clarify the boarding dates are correct.